2024 05 21 HH Photo196961.jpg

Enso Device

Enso Device

 Impact 💥

  • FDA approval & successful product launch

  • Overwhelmingly positive member feedback

Problem space 🧠

  • Launching a net-new medical device product

  • Need to understand member perceptions of the product

  • Reduce friction in the unboxing and first-time use experience

Research questions 🧐
  • What makes the Enso device unique?

  • When and how do members use the device?

  • How does it fit into their ecosystem of pain management solutions?

  • Where are the biggest moments of friction and how might we reduce them?

  • How might we proactively address fear in the unboxing and FTU experience?

Methodology 🧰
  • Diary study with members who were sent an Enso device (6-months later)

    • Two groups: no-low engaged members, med-high engaged members

  • Unboxing interviews with members who have no experience with Enso

Outputs ✨
  • Thematic video clips from interviews

  • Written synthesis of findings

  • Phased recommendations (short-, mid-, and long-term)

  • Live share out and discussion with stakeholders