Impact 💥
FDA approval & successful product launch
Overwhelmingly positive member feedback
Problem space 🧠
Launching a net-new medical device product
Need to understand member perceptions of the product
Reduce friction in the unboxing and first-time use experience
Research questions 🧐
What makes the Enso device unique?
When and how do members use the device?
How does it fit into their ecosystem of pain management solutions?
Where are the biggest moments of friction and how might we reduce them?
How might we proactively address fear in the unboxing and FTU experience?
Methodology 🧰
Diary study with members who were sent an Enso device (6-months later)
Two groups: no-low engaged members, med-high engaged members
Unboxing interviews with members who have no experience with Enso
Outputs ✨
Thematic video clips from interviews
Written synthesis of findings
Phased recommendations (short-, mid-, and long-term)
Live share out and discussion with stakeholders