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Onboarding Journey Mapping

Onboarding Journey Mapping

Impact 💥

  • Product and UX overhauls: entirely re-envisioned first-time use experience, including a movement evaluation and postponed kit shipment in order to reduce overwhelm and save costs

    • 7.1% increase in onboarding rates

    • Significant revenue gains ($26M) and cost savings ($46.1M)

Problem space 🧠

  • We were seeing significant member churn at particular moments in the onboarding experience

  • Desire to improve onboarding rates

Research questions 🧐
  • Where are the biggest moments of friction and how might we reduce them?

  • How might we build trust with members as they onboard?

Methodology 🧰
  • Synthesis of existing research

  • Interviews with members who churned at key points in the onboarding flow

    • Empathy mapping (doing, feeling, thinking, touchpoints)

Outputs ✨
  • A journey map

  • Written synthesis of findings

  • Live share out and discussion with stakeholders

  • Inputs for a design sprint that followed the share out

Journey map of the chronic program onboarding experience